
This accredited certification takes you on an immersive journey that brings together the transformative interplay between spirituality, neuroscience and energetics to revolutionise not only the way you think, but the very essence of how you approach life, business and success.

It will blow your mind… pretty much literally!

Unlike traditional coaching methods, this certification is your passport to unlocking your profound potential within, marrying the science of the mind with the power of belief and intention

Starts on 14th October 2024











Programme Starts on 14th October 2024


Click To Watch Video



This Might Be You Right Now


There are a lot of coaches, leaders and businesses like yours out there which triggers your imposter syndrome and you’re ready to stand out with world-class credentials and skills.

You want a certification that is widely recognised and held to global standards in a world where trust and depth of experience are more important than ever.

You don’t feel confident to charge what you want to, so you’re working really hard, overdelivering and burning out - but not really getting anywhere.

You want the assurance of a solid framework to be fully competent in creating the big shifts you want to make in your own life, profession or business.

You feel stuck because you know that creating transformations in your life will quantum leap your business, life, career, relationships… you just don’t know how.

You’re DONE with feeling mediocre and just getting by with ‘enough’ and you’re ready to go big and finally create the freedom and finances that you truly desire.

You want to learn from teachers who’ve walked the walk and have a proven track record, both in corporate and in business. Who have over 50 years of combined coaching experience in multiple disciplines at high levels in both industries.

You want MORE… you have this feeling in the depths of your soul that you were meant for more and you’re ready to get the knowledge, toolkit and training to learn how to make it happen.



Who This Certification Is For …



Discover expert tools, proven techniques and frameworks to coach confidently, so that your clients get transformational results fast from a trusted brand that is an Accredited Academy. As a new coach you may want to have the structure and reassurance of using trusted techniques and as an established coach you may want to expand your toolkit to enhance your current skill set.


You are the key to the income and impact that your business has. The limits it reaches are the limits that you believe. As you elevate your personal growth and success and recode your mind to new levels of possibility, you actualise and accelerate company results beyond anything you can imagine.


A fundamental part of leadership is the ability to coach powerfully and that starts with self-awareness. Discover how to coach yourself and your team confidently to access their zones of genius to achieve outstanding results, using our science-backed mind strategies and practical tools. Not only will this supercharge your leadership capabilities but it will also allow you to activate and ignite the passion of your people.


You know that you’re capable of more, you can feel it! This is your passport to unlock your profound potential and power you already have within you. This is the next level of self-leadership and self-mastery. It’s time to see yourself as the limitless creator that you are and learn how to embody the wealth, happiness and abundance that you know you were born to experience.


✓ You could understand the art and science of setting & achieving goals that resonate with your deepest desires and life purpose.

✓ You could create a vision for your life that's not only ambitious but deeply meaningful and is about legacy.

✓ You could discover the hidden power of your subconscious mind so that you can make the life you dream of your reality instead of a pipedream.

✓ You could learn to change how you think so that you believe that nothing is impossible because you trust yourself 100%.

✓ You could learn to understand fear, rewire it, and ultimately, overcome it. Fear becomes a companion on your journey, no longer a showstopper to your dreams.

 You could develop a healthy self-concept. Seeing yourself clearly and kindly, managing your emotions and reactions with wisdom and grace. Building a relationship with yourself that's rooted in respect and understanding and yes - LOVE.

We want you to know that THIS IS POSSIBLE for you!

It’s all already within you.
All you need is the understanding of how to become that version of you…
And we know how to make that happen.



  • Feeling frustrated that things aren’t moving as fast as you want them to and worrying that time is ticking by
  • Like you’re stuck in a rut but you know there’s more inside you to give
  • You’re not actually sure who you are any more and you feel like you’ve lost your way
  • You feel burned out from overworking and always feeling like you’re not good enough and your fear of failure is always lurking
  • You have this insidious feeling that you can’t shake off that you’re not really being honest with yourself or going all in on what you REALLY want in your life
  • You keep thinking ‘there must be more than this…’
  •  You are always second-guessing yourself and worried about being judged
  • You’re exhausted from the non-stop inner criticism and shackles of imposter syndrome 


  • Scared of signing up clients in case you can’t give them their money’s worth, which means you aren’t charging what you want to
  • Worried that the client will want a refund because you feel you aren’t delivering so you feel you are winging it and faking your way through
  • You feel like you’re not ‘qualified enough’ and you haven’t got what it takes to make it
  • You look at other coaches and think they’re so much more confident and have so much more experience
  • You’re fresh out of corporate and you don’t have the experience
  • Worried that people won’t take you seriously if you start your own dream coaching business
  • Concerned you haven’t got what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur/coach, because you’re doing all the things but nothing is changing

… and we get it.

But the thing is that nobody shows you how to create the kind of results you want.

We have been there and what we have learned took decades.

Now we want to show you exactly how you can do it too.



Beyond Traditional Coaching

Traditional methods often skim the surface, focusing on goal-setting and positive reinforcement without addressing the deeper subconscious patterns governing behaviour. Mind Coding™ fills this gap, rooted in spirituality and neuroscience to facilitate profound transformative change from the inside out.

Spiritual Integration

Recognising the integral role of spirituality in personal growth, Mind Coding™ seamlessly integrates spiritual principles with mindfulness practices and energy work and it’s done in this certification in a way that keeps it real. It’s important to us that our personal brand of ‘No BS Woo’ features in this certification too. This approach fosters transformation at every level: mind, body, and soul.

Advanced Techniques

Giving you confidence that you’re using a proven framework, enriched with activities that deeply align with our core values, based on cutting-edge research, a combined 50 years of leadership and coaching experience and countless success stories with our clients across all industries and backgrounds. We ensure that complex approaches are broken down into digestible teaching and practical applications making it easier for you to adopt immediately.

Neuroscientific Foundation

Rooted in the latest neuroscience, leveraging insights from brain plasticity, cognitive psychology and behavioural science. This allows Mind Coding™ Practitioners to have a solid understanding of how the brain works and how the science of mind functions through us and how to leverage its capabilities for creating lasting positive change.

Authentic Transformation

We offer a transformation that mirrors our commitment to empowering individuals to live their most authentic lives. This is more than education: it's a life-changing experience that reflects the ‘Now Is Your Time’ philosophy. Gain the expertise to tailor coaching based on individual needs, effectively guiding yourself and your clients or team towards their unique paths to fulfilment and success, in your unique way.

Professional Recognition

Set yourself apart in the coaching industry by acquiring a CPD Accredited Certification that represents cutting-edge knowledge and expertise in human behaviour change. In a world that is flooded with experts, you’ll stand out from the crowd with the knowledge and experience you’ll gain from this certification and the confidence and certainty you will feel from having this credibility from not one but two trusted brands - CPD and the Now Is Your Time Accredited Academy.

Empowering Community

This certification comes with a supportive community to give you additional support on your journey, somewhere to share your insights, your aha moments and a safe space to reflect back your personal discoveries and shifts. The community also provides you with extra accountability as we can all waiver in our motivation and commitment levels over a period of time. Being able to share this journey from start to finish - and graduation - with others just like you, will aid to keep you on track. The whole community is designed to enhance your learning experience so that you learn and have fun whilst making deep connections.

Through real-life examples from us and our extensive decades of experience of coaching and mentoring thousands of people, you’ll gain inspiration and practical knowledge that guides you towards

profound personal growth and success

with the benefit of also being able to lead others to do the same.


With the Mind Coding® Practitioner Accredited Certification, you'll be equipped to revolutionise the coaching landscape, empowering individuals to transcend limitations, unlock their full potential, and lead the lives they truly deserve.


This certification takes you on a transformative journey that delves into the fascinating interplay between spirituality and neuroscience to revolutionise not only the way you think, but the very essence of how you approach life, growth and success.

✓ LIVE recorded training
✓ Expansion Calls
✓ Lifetime Access to Recordings
✓ Lifetime access to your training material
✓ Workbooks to support your learning
 Mind Coding® Practitioner online community
✓ Mind Coding® Practitioner Accredited Certification on successful completion



£1,000 OFF when you Pay In Full
(Value £1,000)


Enrol in this second-only-ever cohort for £4,997 (value £10,000)! Saving £1,000 when you pay in full.  To celebrate this momentous occasion, we are offering you the chance to become an Accredited Practitioner with huge price savings. We want to make this certification the best there is AND we want it to be as accessible as possible. 

We know sometimes it’s easier for you to take your time so you can even choose 12 monthly instalments. 

(Value £888)

You’ll be given exclusive access to this programme that will help you launch or build your coaching practice focusing on the key things we know coaches struggle with - like how to get clients and make proposals.





Pay In Full Bonus


+ vat

Mind Coding® Practitioner Accredited Certification


Pay Monthly

12x £497

+ vat

Mind Coding® Practitioner Accredited Certification



What We'll Cover …


What We'll Cover …

Module 01


Dedicated to the art and science of setting and achieving goals that are deeply aligned with personal desires and values. You’ll be taught how to do this and how to leverage the importance of intention setting in the goal-creation process. The module guides you through identifying and focusing on goals across various life areas and shows how to create goals that are structured in a way that builds clarity, motivation, and actionable steps towards realisation.

Module 02


Delves into the intricate workings of the conscious and subconscious mind, how they work together and highlighting the dominance of subconscious programming in our daily lives and current results. Your whole reality is formed based on the programmes in your subconscious programming. You’ll be given the specific tools and techniques to identify the limiting beliefs that are shaping your reality right now.

Module 03


Explores the critical role beliefs play in shaping our reality. It breaks down the formation of beliefs, tracing their origins from early childhood and examining how they influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout life. You’ll learn how to actually identify, then challenge and ultimately change current self-limiting beliefs. You’ll be shown how to rewire and recode the mind to new, empowering thoughts and beliefs aligned to the results you or your clients desire.

Module 04


Centres on the intricate process of constructing identity and its foundational basis in our beliefs. It introduces what self-concept is and how it projects out in your daily life. You’ll explore how your current identity aligns or conflicts with your aspirations and goals and learn specific strategies for reimprinting your identity to facilitate the realisation of your desired life outcomes. You’ll see ‘you’ in a whole new way.

Module 05


Delves into the nature of fear, tracing its roots to stored memories of both positive and negative experiences and the subconscious mind's primary role in maintaining safety. You’ll understand why change is so challenging and you’ll gain understanding of the concept of the inner child and various parts within ourselves that act to protect us, sometimes manifesting as self-sabotage.

Module 06


Centres on cultivating a healthy self-concept by enhancing self-awareness through deeper understanding of emotional states, inner narratives and recognising triggers. You’ll learn about the creation and influence of emotional anchors and how to objectively evaluate thoughts, emotions, and behaviours so that you are always in control of your own emotional, mental and physical state.

Module 07


Covers the complex dynamics of judgement and acceptance, examining judgement as both a reflection of our internal limiting beliefs and a barrier to personal and relational alignment. You’ll learn how to recognise judgement as an expression of fear and a deviation from a state of love and alignment, understanding the importance of accepting yourself and others to foster peace and harmony in your life.

Module 08


Designed to enhance your understanding and mastery of effective communication, covering the essential components to enable intentional and deliberate interactions. You’ll learn how to amplify your own influence and impact through enhanced communication and how to identify and adapt to the preferences and styles of others to ensure more impactful connection, relationships and outcomes.

Module 09


Explores the concept of personal power through radical responsibility over one's actions, decisions and overall happiness. In this module you’ll learn to discern between what is within your control and what is not, enabling you to invest your energy and efforts more wisely. The strategies here will empower you to eliminate guilt, overwhelm and burnout.

Module 10


Dives deep into the art of conscious creation and how to become aware of and move through the different levels of consciousness. You’ll discover how to take things from the invisible to the visible, from thought to reality using your innate creative power of the conscious and subconscious mind. It breaks down the exact steps to manifesting with confidence.

Module 11


Focuses on how to create profound self-trust, certainty and develop intuitive knowing to enable easy and confident decision-making that aligns with your personal and professional aspirations. You’ll be uncovering how to access and activate this inbuilt internal guidance system that can be nurtured and trusted to navigate life’s decisions with grace and self-assurance to elevate your happiness and results.


Module 12


Dives into the foundational concept of energy - its atomic and vibrational essence - and discovering how your personal energy frequency shapes your reality, influences our intuition, and directly affects the outcomes we manifest in life. This module will explore the dynamic interplay between energy, emotions, and consciousness so that you can create more of what you want in your life.


What's The



Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification is crucial for coaches and business owners for several reasons. 


This certification will earn you 130 CPD points

The CPD Certification Service is the world's leading and largest independent CPD accreditation institution working across all industry sectors.

It demonstrates a commitment to maintaining and enhancing professional skills and knowledge in a rapidly evolving field. This ongoing learning ensures that coaches stay up-to-date with the latest techniques, research, and best practices, enabling them to deliver high-quality services to clients.

As a coach, CPD certification can personally benefit you by expanding your expertise, improving your effectiveness in working with clients and enhancing your credibility within the industry. It provides validation of your skills and knowledge, which can increase your confidence and competence in your coaching practice.

For business owners, CPD certification can have several advantages. It can differentiate your business from competitors by showcasing your commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. This can attract clients who prioritise working with professionals who invest in their ongoing development.

CPD certification can enhance your business's reputation and credibility, leading to increased trust from clients and stakeholders. This can result in higher client retention rates and referrals, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of your business.

Having a CPD certification enhances credibility, and ultimately contributes to the success and sustainability of their practices.

Starts on 14th October 2024











Programme Starts on 14th October 2024



Hey You



We are Donna & Cheryl, Co-Founders of Now Is Your Time, TEDx speakers, authors of the #1 Best Seller ‘Become The Real You’, creators of The Real You® coaching methodology… and corporate escape artists!

Now we are very excited to invite you to become a Mind Coding® Practitioner.

We gave up our 20-year corporate careers to set up our now world-class, global coaching business. We had to work daily on our mindset and silencing our inner critics and made £1 million in less than 4 years!

But our life wasn’t always like this. We’ve dealt with many challenges along the way including infertility challenges, single-parenthood, near bankruptcy, infertility, loss and crippling self-doubt.

The skills we learned along the way were from transforming our own lives first and foremost and how we have shown thousands more around the world how to do the same.

And we still work on our mindset daily even now!

It’s how we overcame our life obstacles, how we started a business in our mid 40’s with zero entrepreneurial experience and how we made £1 million in the first 4 years.

Our Mind Coding® Practitioner Accredited Certification is designed so you can learn the art and science of creating rapid transformational results for you, your clients and your business.

By helping you to integrate spirituality, neuroscience and energetics, you can address mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, giving you quantum personal growth.

We’ll give you the exact coaching tools and techniques to help you understand yourself and recode your subconscious so that you can change how you think and radically shift the results you’re experiencing in all aspects of your life.

If you are ready to revolutionise your business and your life results - this Accredited Certification and profound journey of revealing your personal power is for YOU!